CAD design can be different.

Therefore, you should try to choose the best type of computer for your specific needs. Having a high-quality and sufficiently powerful PC for design is one of the main components for successful work. You need to understand that the choice should be made responsibly, taking into account many nuances. You can use expert advice to make sure you don't make a mistake. The main features of the choice include:

A powerful graphics card is not enough to work with 2D or simple 3D elements.

You will need a top-of-the-line professional-grade graphics card if you have to visualize high-resolution 3D models.

A powerful card will also come in handy for working with large projects and high-quality visualization.

Gaming or professional graphics card - what to choose?

It is necessary to understand why they are created in order to make the right choice in each case. Gaming graphics cards are designed to ensure the fastest possible texture rendering and guarantee the efficiency of shader units. In this case, accuracy takes a back seat. Professional models are focused primarily on geometry accuracy and high performance.

Modern professional-level graphics cards have a lot of special technical characteristics and adapted technologies that are not available in gaming models. Accordingly, they can provide much greater opportunities for professional activities in this area. Some of them are as follows:

High-quality and well-developed methods of working with geometry, which positively affects the speed and productivity of animation work.

Rational use of memory allows you to immediately unload data that is no longer needed after it has been used. This approach frees up the necessary amount of space to perform new tasks at the proper performance level. Graphics cards cannot provide the same efficiency.

With a large memory reserve, you can process several different three-dimensional scenes. At the same time, nothing will freeze or slow down, which has a positive effect on the productivity of work.

The best quality of work with CAD programs is because they are designed to fulfill these very goals. It's also worth noting the increased productivity.

High level of anti-aliasing, which is not required in a game card. The performance of professional models is several times higher, which is especially noticeable when working on a professional monitor, and has a high resolution.

Therefore, it is advisable to choose professional cards for performing complex works directly related to animation. They will allow you to implement projects of almost any complexity. You should give preference to well-known manufacturers.