This is a very popular graphic editor that is considered one of the most powerful and efficient in its segment. To work with it to the fullest, it is important to purchase special computers for Adobe Photoshop that have a full set of necessary technical characteristics. The selection process should be responsible, just like shopping. It is advisable to contact qualified professionals who will help you make the right choice and get the best specifications for a certain budget.

Basic specifications for computers

To work fully in Adobe Photoshop, you need a computer with an optimal set of technical characteristics, including a processor, RAM, video card, and hard disk.

To work with vector and raster graphics and two-dimensional animation, you usually need only one CPU core. However, in some cases, other cores are also involved, for example, for color conversion and blurring. According to the test results, it was found that the maximum number of cores varies from 6 to 8. For this reason, the number of cores does not play a particularly important role. Much more important is the clock speed. A processor with a frequency of more than 3.5 GHz and the number of cores from 4 to 8 is considered the best solution for efficient work with such a program.

The next important selection criterion is RAM. Its size can vary from three to six GB for each processor core. For example, if you use one processor with 12 cores, the amount of RAM should be 32 GB. This is the minimum requirement for basic tasks. For more advanced tasks, it is better to choose 64 GB.

The video card does not play such an important role because the program does not depend on it much. Therefore, you can save a little money on the purchase of this part. A good option would be cards from the NVIDIA Quadro m2000 series, GTX 1650, etc.

It is important to organize proper storage for better performance. It is worth installing an SSD disk for the operating system and software. Additionally, you should use a disk for storing large files. You can choose a 1-3 TB model, which depends on the specific situation.

What if I want to run other programs?

If the user is going to install software other than a specific editor, they can choose other computer configurations. To do this, it is advisable to use the support of specialists. In this case, you can automatically count on several important advantages:

  • Taking into account financial possibilities.
  • Quick selection.
  • Competent tips.

Such a thorough approach will help you choose the best computer in all respects that will meet your current needs and budget. It will be able to work with different programs, which is extremely important.